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React JS Developer

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  • Remote

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About Sedhal S

Experienced, qualified, proactive professional with 6 years of experience in working on web app development.
Technologies and Frameworks: JavaScript, ReactJS, Redux, TypeScript, Next.js, Vue.js, Node.js, React Native, Express.js, Rest API, Alexa Skill Kit, Google Assistant, Jest Unit Testing
Full Stack Web Developer with expertise in developing website, customer portal and PWA for any type of business
Good knowledge of enterprise products and platforms like e-commerce, healthcare, admin/customer portal using metronic theme and can come up with technical solutions for complex business problems
Can work without help from the team leader or manager and directly handles customer questions, concerns, and problems to resolve in the most efficient way
Supervised 2 Junior Developers who created frontend using ReactJS and backend using Node.js

Work Experience


Full Stack Developer

  • January 2017 - November 2022 - 5 Year
  • India



Zeal Overview

  • November 2021 - July 2022 - 9 Months
Role & Responsibility
     Internal employee management tool , implemented facility for task assignments to effectively plan, track and manage employee work, logging system for day to day employee activities and handle project progress.
     Project setup and building an employees and client interface.
     Add redux for global state management in web applications.
     Create separate page for interviewer to manage interview process.
     Create reusable rest API structure using axios and use it.
     Create custom tool in Laravel nova using vue.js.
     Contributed to bug-fixing on production.
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  • November 2020 - November 2021 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility

    It is a platform to engage customers as advertising creators and distributors. Customer can shoot advertising video and share in different social media platform like Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook and YouTube.
     Project setup and building an customers and client interface.
     Create API structure in Node.js using Express.js and connect to the database.
     Implement rest API and performed REST API testing with Postman.
     Implement for get Realtime notification to video approver portal when customer can upload new video and video approver check the video content and, approve or reject the video.
     Create custom registration steps for customers and clients portals.
     Implement stripe payment getaway for purchase plans for clients.
     Create PWA for customers when customer can shoot and share videos in diffrent social media platforms.
     Contributed to bug-fixing on production.

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Best Day Ever

  • May 2019 - May 2020 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Create sports events for customers and event have 2 types of games “square” and “21 questions” to play for different teams and Create a Guest for each event and send game link to guests and guest play game and after the game finished calculating score for guests and declare winner for game.
     Project Setup and Implement server-side rendering using Express.js.
     Setup GraphQL in API side, Create database model with GraphQL Schema.
     React.js for building game page, leaderboard page.
    Node.js help to create APIs.
     Implement in API for manage real-time changes on game and leaderboard page.
     Performed REST API testing with Postman.
     Contributed to bug-fixing on production.
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High Performance Indicators

  • July 2019 - October 2019 - 4 Months
Role & Responsibility
    High-Performance Indicator is a portal that can manage industrial data based on client and show section to clients based on given permissions by admin.
    Allow permission based on modules, groups, clients, generate charts and generate reports based on different types of clients.
     React.js front-side project setup and building an interface.
     Setup AmCharts libraries and implement different types of charts.
     Generate different types of reports and charts based on users information’s.
     Implement permission modules for show portal sections based on user permission.
    Implement rest API and performed REST API testing with Postman
     Contributed to bug-fixing on production.
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Ross Noble

  • February 2020 - May 2020 - 4 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Website created for social media marketing and, also connected to the YouTube like when user come in website and when user click on banner to user redirect to Ross Nobel YouTube channel.
    Customers can also book online tickets for Ross Nobel's show in USA.
     Building new pages in existing project.
     Implementation stripe payment getaway for online show ticket booking with WordPress API.
     Implement rest API and performed REST API testing with Postman.
    Contributed to made new changes and bug-fixing.
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Beatstream Box Office

  • August 2020 - November 2020 - 4 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Beatstream box office is an ecommerce website digital platform when Customer can listen to the event at the time of the event.
    Building new pages in existing project.
     Setup firebase database and use firebase functions for get information.
     Implementation firebase authentication using email and some modifications on phone number authentication.
     Implementation stripe payment getaway for online event booking and store data in firebase based on customers.
     Implement JavaScript Audio player for play and listen event to customers.
     Contributed to made new changes and bug-fixing.
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Industry Expertise



Bachelor Of Computer Application in BCA

Gujarat Institute
  • June 2020 - June 2021

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