
Azure Devops

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About Ravali M

Senior Cloud DevOps engineer with 7 +years’ experience in Cloud (Azure, AWS), DevOps, Configuration management, Infrastructure automation, Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD).

Work Experience


Azure Developer

  • January 2015 - March 2023 - 8 Year
  • India



NHG Project

  • November 2022 - March 2023 - 5 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Worked on deploying CI/CD system Azure DevOps and Kubernetes container environment, and for the runtime environment of CI/CD system to build, test and Deployment we have utilized Kubernetes and Docker.
    Designed and automated Azure Infrastructure as a service (Iaas) and platform as service (Paas), Saas capabilities which includes virtual machine, container services, virtual network and cloud services

    Worked on Azure DevOps services such as Azure repos, Azure Boards, and Azure test Plans to plan work and collaborate on code development, built and deployed application.
    Developed, maintained and provided the team with various Azure DevOps tools like deployment tools, staged virtual environments and provisioning scripts.
    Structured cluster AutoScaler for AKS by using Terraform and worked with scheduling, deploying and managing pods and replicas in AKS.
    Terraform was used along with Packer to create custom machine images and Ansible was used to install the software dependencies once the infrastructure was provisioned.
    Developed and maintained Continuous Integration (CI) using tools in Azure DevOps spanning multiple environments, enabling teams to safely deploy code in AKS using YAML scripts.
    Managing AKS policies, providing access to different Azure resources and developing and improving the workflows that govern access.
    Worked with Azure Synapse and Analytics in finalizing ETL and report design.
    Experience with version control tools such as GIT. Comprehensive knowledge of source controller concepts including branches, tags and merges.
    Deployed Azure Iaas VM’s and Cloud services (Paas role instances) into secure Vnets and Subnets.
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Medical Domain

  • January 2021 - January 2022 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Worked on Serverless services, created and configured HTTP Triggers in the Azure Functions with application insights for monitoring and performing load testing on the applications using the Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) also called as Azure DevOps Services. 
    Configure Continuous Integration from source control, setting up build definition within Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and configure continuous delivery to automate the deployment of ASP.NET MVC applications to Azure web apps and managed Azure Active Directory, Office 365 and applied upgrades on a regular basis. 
    Managed Azure Infrastructure Azure Web Roles, Worker Roles, VM Role, Azure SQL, Azure Storage, Azure AD Licenses, Virtual Machine Backup and Recover from a Recovery Services Vault using Azure PowerShell and Azure Portal. 
    Worked with Azure Key vault for storing confidential keys. 
    Worked on OpenShift for container orchestration with Kubernetes container storage, automation to enhance container platform multi-tenancy also worked on with Kubernetes architecture and design troubleshooting issues and multi-regional deployment models and patterns for large-scale applications.
     Deploying windows Kubernetes (K8s) cluster with Azure Container Service (ACS) from Azure CLI and Utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build and test.
    Worked on Azure Pipeline creation and created .YAML files for creation of Different tasks and integrated all the dependencies required. 
    Worked on SonarQube which collects and analyzes source code and provides reports for the code quality of your project. 
    Involved in creation of deployment code for deploying Nodes, Pods, Deployments and Services into the Kubernetes Cluster in different Environments.
    Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm, Created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications, managed Kubernetes manifest files and Managed releases of Helm packages.
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Networking And Deployments

  • July 2018 - May 2021 - 35 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Used Git version control to manage the source code and integrating Git with Azure to support build automation and integrated with Jira to monitor the commits and integrated the code with CI/CD pipeline for automation. 
    Worked with Terraform Templates to automate the Azure Iaas virtual machines using terraform modules and deployed virtual machine scale sets in production environment.


    Integrated Docker container-based test infrastructure to Azure CI test flow and set up build environment integrating with Git and Jira to trigger builds using Webhooks and Slave Machines. 
    Implemented Git for Branching, Merging, Tagging and maintaining the version across the environments on Linux platforms and, designed and implemented Git Metadata including elements, labels, attributes, triggers, hyperlinks 
    Involved in creating the company's DevOps strategy in a mixed environment of Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL) servers. 
    Experience in writing Ansible playbooks by using YAML script to launch AWS instances and used to manage web applications, configuration files, used mount points and packages. 
    Using Ansible created multiple playbooks for machine creations and SQL server, cluster server and my SQL installations. 
    Created ADF pipelines and AML automation.
    Wrote Ansible playbooks, inventories created custom playbooks written in YAML language, encrypted the data using Ansible Vault & maintained role-based access control by using Ansible Tower & Implemented IT orchestration using Ansible to run tasks in a sequence which can work on different servers. 
    Virtualized the servers using the Docker for the test environments and development environment and performed configuration automation using Docker containers. 
    Written Templates for Azure Infrastructure as code using Terraform to build staging and production environments. Integrated Azure Log Analytics with Azure VMs for monitoring the log files, store them and track metrics and used Terraform as a tool, Managed different infrastructure resources Cloud, VMware, and Docker containers. 
    Involved in designing and deploying multitude applications utilizing almost all AWS stack (Including EC2, S3, AMI, Route53, RDS, SNS, SQS, IAM) focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and Auto-Scaling in AWS Cloud Formation.
    Maintained the user accounts IAM Roles, Route 53(CNAME), VPC, RDB, MongoDB, SQS & SNS services in AWS cloud.
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Banking Domain

  • June 2017 - June 2018 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Involved in designing and deploying multitude applications utilizing almost all AWS stack (Including EC2, S3, AMI, Route53, RDS, SNS, SQS, IAM) focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and Auto-Scaling in AWS Cloud Formation.
    Maintained the user accounts IAM Roles, Route 53(CNAME), VPC, RDB, MongoDB, SQS & SNS services in AWS cloud. 
    Created Python scripts to totally automate AWS services which includes web servers, ELB, Cloud Front distribution, database, EC2 and database security groups and application configuration, this script creates stacks, single servers, or joins web servers to stacks. 
    Involved in creating the company's DevOps strategy in a mixed environment of Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL) servers. 
    Experience in writing Ansible playbooks by using YAML script to launch AWS instances and used to manage web applications, configuration files, used mount points and packages. 
    Wrote Ansible playbooks, inventories created custom playbooks written in YAML language, encrypted the data using Ansible Vault & maintained role-based access control by using Ansible Tower & Implemented IT orchestration using Ansible to run tasks in a sequence which can work on different servers. 
    Virtualized the servers using the Docker for the test environments and development environment and performed configuration automation using Docker containers. 
    Wrote CI/CD pipeline in Groovy scripts to enable end to end setup of build & deployment using Cloud Bees Jenkins and Developed an end-to-end CI/CD Pipelines in Jenkins to retrieve code, perform tests and push build artifacts to Nexus. 
    Wrote scripts for the build, deploy, maintain using Jenkins, Git, Maven, Python, Bash and worked on CI/CD involving Run Deck Jenkins and Ansible to complete the automation from commit to deploy. 
    Wrote Python scripts using the Boto3 library to automatically sign up the instances in AWS EC2 and Ops Works stacks and integrated with Auto Scaling with configured AMI’s. 
    Used Git version control to manage the source code and integrating Git with Jenkins to support build automation and integrated with Jira to monitor the commits. 
    Integrated Docker container-based test infrastructure to Jenkins CI test flow and set up build environment integrating with Git and Jira to trigger builds using Webhooks and Slave Machines. 
    Implemented Git for Branching, Merging, Tagging and maintaining the version across the environments on Linux platforms and, designed and implemented Git Metadata including elements, labels, attributes, triggers, hyperlinks.
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