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Mean Developer

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About RAVI

A performance driven ambitious software developer with an extraordinary blend of and technical knowledge. Ability to communicate and motivate team members to enhance strategic goals and bottom line objectives. Creative problem solving and troubleshooting skills complemented by meticulous attention to details that will result in the success of an organization by developing new applications or improving existing ones. 

Tech Stack Expertise

  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Node JS

    Node JS

    2 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Angular JS


    2 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise


    Angular Library,Angular

    1 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Scripting Language


    1 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Microsoft .Net

    MVC,Asp .Net

    0 Years

Work Experience


Mean Developer

  • January 2019 - February 2023 - 4 Year
  • India




  • January 2018 - May 2019 - 17 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Handling the front-end part built in Angular 7. 
    Create Rest API is Express Js
    Used Angular libraries to create a custom angular package. Created a private angular package for the common services called it Functional core and using that services in multiple client applications. Publish the package in NPM.
    Created a custom package for private and common HTML components using stencil js and published it on NPM.
    Used RXJS features subject, behavior subject, Observables.
    Used NGRX store to maintain state in application and persistence
    Project Description:  It is Angular based web/ mobile application using capacitor package. Created Home security application. Client is having home security devices and we created mobile application which will connect with the device and capture events thrown from the device. 
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Loyality Bases Web And Mobile Application

  • January 2019 - August 2020 - 20 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Experience in writing the APIs in Sails Js (Node framework). 
    Experience with the features of Angular 2 such as directives, modules, routes, Lazy loading, etc.
    Created mobile application using Cordova and publish app on play store and app store
    Used AWS containers to deploy Back end API (Micro services) and S3 bucket for front end deployment
    Project Description: Loyalty based web and mobile application created using Angular and cordova wrapper for mobile app. To make engagement with client created dashboard, posting events, point calculation base on sale report on client. The Application is to make more engagement with clients and vendors.
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Education Training Application Process

  • January 2021 - January 2022 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Created SharePoint based SSO web application using Azure active directory
    Make use of the SharePoint list and integrated them into the application
    Project Description: 
        The application was for company employees. Based on there skills they can be a lecture and any employee can attend there lectures for free. There were having chain based approval for creating a event and participating in the event. Bond calculation was there if employee participate in any of lecture then he will be a part of bond for period of time.
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Integrated Risk And Bid Management System

  • February 2022 - November 2022 - 10 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Created provider-hosted SharePoint Add-Ins
    Implemented SSO using OpenId connect API of Azure active directory in the application
    Make use of Microsoft flow to automate the email notification process
    Project Description: 
        It is a bidding software were all the vendors from organization can check the event and put a bid. There was many calculation for putting a base price and finalising the bid. Approval flow was there whenever new event is coming for the bidding. Azure active directory is integrated and share point list is used to maintain the data. 
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Leap Club

  • May 2021 - February 2022 - 10 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Handling the whole front end development
    Integrating backend API
    Making use of NGRX store
    Created Mobile application using capacitor
    Project Description: 
        It is similar to link din application where new users can join community and share the post. User can send friend requests to similar profile people and can chat with them. 
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Industry Expertise



Computer Engineering in BE

Maharsgtra University
  • June 2014 - June 2017

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