
Angular Developer

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  • Remote

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About Reema J

A performance driven ambitious software developer with an extraordinary blend of and technical knowledge. Ability to communicate and motivate team members to enhance strategic goals and bottom line objectives. Creative problem solving and troubleshooting skills complemented by meticulous attention to details that will result in the success of an organization by developing new applications or improving existing ones. Also to work in an organization or with an accomplished and engaging team where I can gather in-depth knowledge of IT / Software and learn to put theory and innovative view that gives me an opportunity to gain practical and in-depth knowledge in my field and also showcase my abilities.

Work Experience


Angular Developer

  • January 2019 - June 2023 - 4 Year
  • India



Zyod – Node JS & PostgreSQL

  • December 2022 - June 2023 - 7 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Zyod is clothing manufacturing platform, providing end-to-end design to deliver solutions to fashion brands. Developed B2B ecommerce web portal for Zyod where three types of users like (Admin ,Supplier
    ,Brand ) can login. This application provide the functionality of Add update, list , search multiple Suppliers,Brands, Fabrics, Patterns
    .Create a Different types of Clothing Styles according to Fabrics and Patterns . Calculate the Costing of Styles , Place order etc.
    Responsibilities : Backend developer
     Backend : Worked on APIs For CURD operations for Brands, Supplier , Fabrics , Pattern , Styles . Api for Listing Pagination on UI. Create Functions in PostgreSQL for Cost Calculation and Listing. Database Used : PostgreSQL
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Trade On Tips

  • April 2022 - November 2022 - 8 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Web portal for trading where user can do stocks trading using zerodha account. User can view realtime stocks price, add stocks in watchlist, buy stocks, sell stocks
    Responsibilities : Full stack developer
    Backend : Create different APIs like get profile, place order, margins, position, holding etc.
    Frontend : Made an interactive single page website where user can view realtime stocks price, add stocks in watchlist, buy/sell stocks,view order,position,margin,holding etc.
    Database Used : Mongo DB
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  • January 2021 - March 2022 - 15 Months
Role & Responsibility
    This portal is a trading portal, where user can perform various operations related to trading. User can get stocks related news, get daily updated posts on various stocks. User can also follow the influencer also put comments and likes and posts etc.
    Responsibilities : Full stack developer
    Backend : Worked on APIs like Stock trading, watchlist,
    user details, bank detail, Post, News,Funds and many more that user can perform.
    Database Used : Mongo DB
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Industry Expertise



in Master of Computer Application

Gujarat University
  • June 2014 - June 2017

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