
Web Developer

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About Vishwanath

5 years of experience in backend development (Node.JS, Express.JS) in various industry domains including E-Commerce, and SAAS products.
Solid understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including design, analysis, development, codes, tests, debugs, deployment, and documents on large projects and mobile applications.
Deep understanding & hands-on experience of Core JAVA, DART & Object-Oriented Programming.
Proficient in using Front-end techniques such as Flutter, Block, GetX, and JSON to create mobile app user interfaces.
Comprehensive experience in using Node.JS RESTful APIs service.
Solid understanding of project builds and package management such as NPM.
Experienced in Unit Testing with Testcafe, Integration Testing, and in preparing test cases.
Solid understanding of Unit Testing, release procedures, coding design, and documentation as well as change management procedures.
Hands-on experience in deploying applications using OVI and cPanel
Worked in an Agile environment and collaborated with onshore teams and different time-zone colleagues.
Ability to deliver complex projects, meet deadlines, and quickly learn new technologies.

Tech Stack Expertise

  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Microsoft .Net


    2 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Scripting Language

    JavaScript,Next JS

    4 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise



    1 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise



    1 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Node JS

    Node JS,Express JS

    2 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Cosmos DB

    Jest JIRA

    0 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise



    1 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Repository Tools


    1 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise



    2 Years

Work Experience


Web Developer

  • January 2018 - July 2023 - 5 Year
  • India




  • June 2022 - May 2023 - 12 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Nlp Catcha is a product which is running on IRCTC Gov of India Official Website. This captcha is running on IRCTC Ticket booking pages like booking, registration, payment.
    Captcha capture all information related to ticket booking user(location, number of time open page and clicks on same captcha)store in database
    Involved in all stages of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
    Involved in Agile includes bi-weekly sprint and daily scrum with on-shore, different time-zone team members.
    Worked in Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of application using Agile Model.
    Implement permission handling for user permission on dashboard.
    Implemented HTTP requests using HTTP library to manipulate multiple data over time.
    Implement stripe payment gateway to verify credit card and auto deduct commission by catalytic.
    Implement permission handling on time during usage on first time.
    Experience in creating RESTful APIs and micro services in applications.
    Used Php, CodeIgniter to create server-side APIs.
    Implemented server-side scripts using Php and CodeIgniter to handle http requests and manipulated JSON responses with CRUD operations such as get, post, put and delete.
    Implemented dart to handle http requests and manipulated JSON responses with CRUD operations such as get, post, put and delete.
    Doing manual testing postman and swagger.
    Used GIT for version control and JIRA for agile management.
...see less

Vizzve Loan App

  • April 2021 - January 2022 - 10 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Vizzve Microseva App is a complete loan app. In this app user register and able to apply loan and after getting approval from vizzve reviewer team for the particular tenure user also able to pay the instalment and extends the loan using cashfree payment gateway. User able to upload required document like KYC detail, Basic Information, References and Bank Detail etc.
    · Involved in all stages of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
    · Involved in Agile includes bi-weekly sprint and daily scrum with on-shore, different time-zone team members.
    · Worked in Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of application using Agile Model.
    · Developed responsive user interface by using Dart, Flutter and GetX.
    · Implemented HTTP requests using HTTP library to manipulate multiple data over time.
    · Implemented round and mtalk sms service for sending OTP during mobile number verification and user login.
    · Implement cashfree payment gateway to pay the loan.
    · implement service for pay-out to dispersed money from dashboard with bank detail verification.
    · Implement permission handling for user permission on dashboard.
    · Implemented Nodemailer to send email using gsuite and twillio.
    · Implemented cron job to handle the assigning overdue loan from one to another.
    · Experience in creating RESTful APIs and micro services in applications.
    · Used Node.JS, Express.JS to create server-side APIs.
    · Server-side scripts using Node.JS, Express.JS.
    · Implemented server-side scripts using Node.JS and Express.JS to handle http requests and manipulated JSON responses with CRUD operations such as get, post, put and delete.
    · Implemented dart to handle http requests and manipulated JSON responses with CRUD operations such as get, post, put and delete.
    · Doing manual testing postman and swagger.
    · Used GIT for version control and JIRA for agile management.
...see less

  • April 2020 - May 2021 - 14 Months
Role & Responsibility is an app used to list their digital goods. It is a market place where we can sell or buy digital NFTs by the approved users. There is also an admin dashboard which can control all the NFTs exchange and users.
    · Involved in Agile includes bi-weekly sprint and daily scrum with on-shore, different time-zone team members.
    · Worked in Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of application using Agile Model.
    · Implemented HTTP requests using HTTP library to manipulate multiple data over time.
    · Implement permission handling for user permission on dashboard.
    · Created APIs for client and admin user which were used in market place.
    · Implemented gsuite and twillio for sending mails.
    · Implemented cron job to handle the NFTs transactions.
    · I have also written unit test cases for all the backend APIs.
    · Experience in creating RESTful APIs and micro services in applications.
    · Used Node.JS, Express.JS to create server-side APIs.
    · Server-side scripts using Node.JS, Express.JS.
    · Implemented server-side scripts using Node.JS and Express.JS to handle http requests and manipulated JSON responses with CRUD operations such as get, post, put and delete.
    · Implemented dart to handle http requests and manipulated JSON responses with CRUD operations such as get, post, put and delete.
    · Doing manual testing postman and swagger.
    · Used GIT for version control and JIRA for agile management.
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  • March 2019 - April 2020 - 14 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Hrss is a product which is using in MNC company. There user can registration. It’s using now multiple company. There functionality like user can submit leave, login, logout, attendance list, regularization/ leave management, appraisal process, exit process, payroll management & setup, employee directory reports of organisation.
    Roles and Responsibilities:
    Involved in all stages of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
    Involved in Agile includes bi-weekly sprint and daily scrum with on-shore, different time-zone team members.
    Worked in Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of application using Agile Model.
    Implement permission handling for user permission on dashboard.
    Implemented HTTP requests using HTTP library to manipulate multiple data over time.
    Implement stripe payment gateway to verify credit card and auto deduct commission by catalytic.
    Implement permission handling on time during usage on first time.
    Experience in creating RESTful APIs and micro services in applications.
    Used Node.JS, Express.JS to create server-side APIs.
    Server-side scripts using Node.JS, Express.JS.
    Implemented server-side scripts using Node.JS and Express.JS to handle http requests and manipulated JSON responses with CRUD operations such as get, post, put and delete.
    Implemented dart to handle http requests and manipulated JSON responses with CRUD operations such as get, post, put and delete.
    Doing manual testing postman and swagger.
    Used GIT for version control and JIRA for agile management.
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Industry Expertise



in BSC

Karnataka University
  • June 2014 - June 2017

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