
Python Developer

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About Sameed

I have completed my BE in Computer Engineering in 2018 and from then on I have been working on various technology domains such as networking, software development and devops. I see myself as a performance driven ambitious software developer with an extraordinary blend of management and technical knowledge. Ability to communicate and motivate team members to enhance strategic goals and bottom-line objectives. Creative problem solving and troubleshooting skills complemented by meticulous attention to details that will result in the success of an organization by developing new applications or improving existing ones. 

Tech Stack Expertise

  • Tech Stack Expertise



    0 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Angular JS


    0 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Node JS

    Express,Node JS

    4 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Scripting Language


    2 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise



    0 Years

Work Experience


Full Stack Developer

  • January 2019 - February 2023 - 4 Year
  • India



Enlive-Cryptographic Engine

  • June 2019 - October 2019 - 5 Months
Role & Responsibility
    A Cryptographic engine that uses high level encryption recipes to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the selected file. The source code is written in python, which makes it easily compatible with other cryptographic python scripts. Enlive's Encryption Engine depends upon the user password for all kinds of operations on the file, this makes sure that the malicious user would not be able to add any malicious characters even when file access has been breached because the data is only readable with the authenticated password.
    Worked as a jr. python developer.
    Writing codes in python using Django framework.
...see less

Data Mining Dashboard

  • November 2019 - September 2020 - 11 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Project Description:
    A Data Mining Python script to fetch data and store it in the google sheet. The motivation behind it was to fetch data of individual groups of teams which makes other employees to fetch only the desired data from the system. Before fetching the Data, it asks for authentication to preserve integrity and Authenticate users. The sheet was then shared to maintain a proper leader board for the individual team
    Worked as a jr. python developer.
    Writing codes in python using Django.
    Creating SPA in Angular and CSS desing using Materialize UI.
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Kafka Multiple Message Que Streaming

  • October 2020 - March 2023 - 30 Months
Role & Responsibility
    A microservice type small scale version of distributed architecture which makes use of kafka stream and queing to perform a streamline flow of events and logs and multiple response and messages generated from a particular source of events and overcoming the bottleneck verison making those events streamline to another topics present in kafka ques.
    Worked as a NodeJS Backend Developer.
    Writing codes in nodejs using express JS as framework.
    Configuring and seting up Kafka from code level.
    Creating POC for load testing.
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MongoDB Change Detector

  • April 2020 - June 2020 - 3 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Project Description:
    This Project deals with live changes going on the Database and recording those changes and formulating them to achieve the desired output from the data. The use case of this project can be seen in Live Tracking of data and getting instant notification whenever a particular change has been occurred in the database.
    Worked as a NodeJS Backend Developer.
    Writing codes in nodejs using express JS as framework.
    Configuring and seting up MongoDB.
    Creating POC for the application architecture.
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ElasticSearch Data Visualization

  • July 2020 - April 2021 - 10 Months
Role & Responsibility

    In this project I have used elasticsearch to achieve data visualization on the mongoDB database. The live changes from the mongoDB are passed from Mongo to ElasticSearch database and the documents are then formulated and fed to kibana where the data-visualization is achieved by running various queries on the fethced dataset.
    Worked as a NodeJS Backend Developer.
    Worked in a lead role for backend team and managing other team members tasks.
    Writing codes in nodejs using express JS as framework.
    Configuring and seting up MongoDB.
    Creating a Data pipeline for cleaning and normalization of data.
    Creating POC for the Database Entities.
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Industry Expertise



Computer Engineering in BE

Maharashtra University
  • June 2014 - June 2016

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