
Android Developer

BMT Score
  • Remote

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About Arun

With 4+ years of experience I look forward to finding an opportunity to work in a creative and challenging environment, where I could learn new things and use my technical skills sets to serve for the growth of the Organization.

Work Experience


Android Developer

  • January 2018 - April 2023 - 5 Year
  • India



Nuego App

  • April 2022 - May 2023 - 14 Months
Role & Responsibility

     NueGo is dedicated on building a platform to provide Electric Mobility-as-a-Service (eMaaS)

    Integrated a GraphQL API into a Flutter app, enabling efficient and flexible data retrieval synchronization with the server.
    Integrated payment functionality into a Flutter app by leveraging a GraphQL API, allowing seamless and secure transaction processing
    Utilized the Provider package in Flutter to implement efficient and scalable state management solutions within an app.
    Developed custom widgets and UI components to meet unique design requirements, enhancing app usability and visual appeal.
    Implemented MO Engage tracking in Android and iOS apps to enable personalized user engagement and analytics. Configured and customized event tracking, user attribute tracking, and push notification handling based on specific business needs.
    Integrated Map My India mapping services into Android and iOS applications, providing robust and feature-rich mapping functionalities.
    Led the app publishing process on both the Play Store and App Store , ensuring compliance with platform guidelines, rigorous testing, and delivering a high-quality user experience
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Cricket Score Calculator.

  • March 2021 - March 2022 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Cricket Score Calculator Mobile App is a comprehensive tool designed to facilitate easy scorekeeping and calculation for cricket matches. The app provides a user-friendly interface, real-time score updates, and advanced features to assist scorers in accurately tracking and managing cricket match scores.
    Developed a Cricket Score Calculator app that provides real-time scoring and analysis for cricket matches
    Implemented scoring algorithms and calculations to accurately calculate runs, wickets, overs, and other relevant statistics based on user inputs.
    Incorporated interactive components, including buttons, sliders, and input fields, to facilitate easy score entry and manipulation.
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Woocommerce App.

  • February 2020 - January 2021 - 12 Months
Role & Responsibility
    The Mobile Application is a user-friendly and feature-rich platform designed to provide customers with a seamless and convenient shopping experience. The app offers a wide range of products, intuitive navigation, secure payment options, and personalized recommendations to enhance customer satisfaction and drive sales for your e-commerce business..

    Developed custom WooCommerce apps using Shopify and WordPress APIs to provide seamless integration and enhanced functionality for e-commerce businesses..
    Leveraged Shopify API to synchronize product catalogs, inventory management, and order processing between WooCommerce and Shopify platforms, ensuring accurate and real-time data synchronization.
    Integrated WordPress API to create custom features and functionalities, such as user authentication, content management, and dynamic website customization for WooCommerce-based websites.
    Integrated the Razor pay payment gateway into a WooCommerce app, enabling secure and seamless transaction processing for customers. Utilized the Razor pay API and SDK to handle payment tokenization, transaction authorization, and capturing of payment amounts within the app.
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Mycompass App.

  • January 2019 - January 2020 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Mycompass app is automate the process of tracking employee attendance and managing salary calculations.  Employees can easily mark their attendance using the app, providing accurate and up-to-date attendance records.The app generates comprehensive attendance reports, allowing HR administrators to monitor attendance patterns, identify trends, and analyze employee punctuality and attendance statistics.
    The system allows HR administrators to assign assets such as laptops, mobile devices, or equipment to employees, maintaining a centralized record of asset ownership. Employees can create and manage their tasks within the system, enabling efficient tracking of work progress and deadlines.HR administrators or designated personnel can create dedicated announcement channels to broadcast important news, updates, or company-wide announcements..

    Successfully integrated Firebase services into mobile applications, leveraging authentication, real-time database management, cloud storage, and push notifications to enhance app functionality and user engagement
    Implemented background location tracking using platform-specific APIs, enabling seamless location-based features such as geofencing, route optimization, and location based notifications.
    Implemented background Wi-Fi tracking feature in a Flutter app using socket communication to enable real-time monitoring of Wi-Fi networks.
    Implemented deep link functionality in a Flutter app to enable seamless navigation and content linking from external sources.
    Led the app publishing process on both the Play Store and App Store (Apple Business Manager), ensuring compliance with platform guidelines, rigorous testing, and delivering a high-quality user experience.
    Integrated a GraphQL API into a Flutter app, enabling efficient and flexible data retrieval and synchronization with the server.
    Integrated the HERE SDK (Software Development Kit) into a Flutter app, enabling powerful map functionalities and location-based services.

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Industry Expertise



in BE

Bengaluru University
  • January 2019 - May 2023

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