
Devops Engineer

BMT Score
  • Remote

Available for

About Maulick

Seeking a role to enhance and explore my technical,
 practical knowledge in the fields of DevOps and Cloud Technologies.
 Proven skills in automation, setting up pipelines and deploying containerized applications.
 Good working knowledge in analysis.


Work Experience


Devopes Engineer

  • January 2020 - February 2023 - 3 Year
  • India



Persistent Systems

  • January 2021 - January 2023 - 25 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Built, tested, and modified Jenkins pipeline to automate testing frameworks.
    Hands on with OC (OpenShift) commands to login, describe, debug pods.
    Automated manual test cases in order to conserve time and resources.
    Received High Five (Team) & Bravo Awards for Project purposes. 
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CICD Pipeline

  • February 2022 - April 2022 - 3 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Installing the tools which are required CICD (Docker, k8s, Jenkins, SonarQube, Nexus, Helm, Datree).
    Integration of Jenkins & SonarQube for static code analysis.
    Dockerizing Application and pushing the image to private registry.
    Identifying the misconfiguration in HELM charts using datree.
    Pushing the helm charts to nexus for re-usability.
    Manual approval for deployment. Deploying the application on k8s cluster using the helm charts.
    Configuring mail server. Enabling pull request trigger.
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Automated CI/CD Pipeline

  • May 2022 - June 2022 - 2 Months
Role & Responsibility
    A Real time CI/CD Pipeline on Jenkins with GitHub Integration and a system desired to handle Database,
     Server and Orchestration using Docker, Docker Compose, Ansible.
     for Django Web Application using AWS, Docker, Jenkins and Kubernetes
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DevOps Project

  • August 2022 - September 2022 - 2 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Set up a complete CI/CD pipeline to run Java App using various DevOps tools.
    Used tools like GitHub, Jenkins, Maven, Docker, Ansible,
     and Kubernetes and learned how to integrate these tools to run a project in the real world.
    Automated the pipeline such that it gets triggered once developer has pushed code to the repository.
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Industry Expertise



in Bachelor of Engineering, Major in Computer Science

Pune University
  • June 2016 - June 2020

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