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About Nishant B

Experienced WEB3 Frontend Software Engineer with 4+ years in the industry. Proficient with React js. Used problem-solving aptitude to enhance application performance and Created data visualization tools and integrated designs. Increased speed of product lifecycle of the time delivered projects within deadline.

Tech Stack Expertise

  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Scripting Language

    React,Next JS,JavaScript,jQuery

    7 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise



    6 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise



    1 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Google Cloud

    Google API

    1 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise



    3 Years

Work Experience


React Developer

  • January 2018 - March 2023 - 5 Year
  • India



Cashe Company

  • January 2022 - January 2023 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility is mutual fund app like grow. Instead, focusing on the question - what is your plan? Plan Kya Hai? Based on customer requirement there are plans for invests. (Goal based plans).

    My Responsibility is to develop front end. I worked on apis implementation in front end. Make User interface more interactive. Customer Portfolio performance report in front end. I also implemented the video verification in KYC flow for sqrrl app. I also implement the otp verification in all products invest flows and withdrawal flow in Sqrrl App. I worked on modal functionality so that user have can have better user experience. I worked on generic component so that it can used by all other main component. In day-to-day activity i also removed bugs in app as suggested by Tester and do front end coding as task given by Team lead. 
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Navus Health

  • January 2021 - January 2022 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility
    With the onset of Covid in 2019 and the constant reminder by WHO that “COVID is here to stay for a long time”, a new business model has sprung up in the states.
    In the start, people had to visit hospitals and clinics for testing if they are Positive. Now, with companies like Navus Health, they can order the Home-test kit and can test themselves and can get the results in 1 hour if they need to go somewhere urgently.


    The portal was created using Latest React JS v17.0.2 and with the rising and popular framework Chakra UI.
    Along with React-Query, React-Hook Form, Yup, Auth0 for Login-Signup and many more to build the base.
    The sole responsibility of delivering this portal was on my shoulders and with the constant collaboration with Backend developers based out of Coimbatore; we delivered to the client expectations.
    The user could signup, login, register to the specified link coming from the client/partner and could schedule their event or test using Calendly and would receive the QR Code which has their registration ID.
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Snap Deal (Mobile Web)

  • January 2020 - January 2021 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Snapdeal is one of the top E-Commerce Website for shopping almost everything under the sun.
    However, with time and with ever-changing design and tech trends, every aspect of design needs to be constantly updated.
    The need for overhauling the stale designs requires ideas and challenges along with more brains and keyboards to work with.
    The UI/UX experience on Snapdeal isn’t helping the long-time users as with the incoming of giants like Amazon, Snapdeal needed to change the end-user experience to not be a daunting task.

    Working in a team of 20-25 employees of Snapdeal and brainstorming on all the issues surrounding the UX. 
    Taking up the issues using JIRA, and estimating the precise time needed to complete the task at hand. Using designs from Figma, and designing new components in React v15.3 using class or Functional based components, learning their coding process and rules along the way.
    Rating and Reviews section was completely overhauled both in UI and Performance aspects.
    Calling rates of customers successfully reduced and in place FAQs are shown so customer doesn’t fret and call for small issues where information could be shown in the FAQ
    Implementing more checks on FAQs where the journey (backend experiments) would come show info to different users based on calculation using their Purchase Rate and retention time at website.
    Making dynamic the new static, was the philosophy I put to use at Snapdeal.
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GitHub User Search App

  • January 2019 - January 2020 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility
     A web-app which uses async/await function to fetch searched user information from the GitHub API using access tokens. The Page contains the search input and the search is shown after each key press matching with the registered GitHub Users. The API returns User Profile along with information about repositories and general information about the user.
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Industry Expertise



in B.COM

Indore University
  • June 2006 - June 2009

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