
DevOps Developer

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About Rahul P

A performance driven ambitious software developer with an extraordinary blend of and technical knowledge. Ability to communicate and motivate team members to enhance strategic goals and bottom-line objectives. Creative problem solving and troubleshooting skills complemented by meticulous attention to details that will result in the success of an organization by developing new applications or improving existing ones. 

Work Experience


Devops Developer

  • January 2020 - June 2023 - 3 Year
  • India




  • August 2022 - June 2023 - 11 Months
Role & Responsibility

     Created continuous integration (CI) pipeline in Jenkins for first build the Dockerfile, push into internal or private Docker hub registry. And then EC2 server pull that image from hub and deploy onto it.
     Using S3 bucket to store user uploaded video using best security practice and policy. User can view that live stream video using cloud front with OAI.
     Implement mongo DB database into docker container using persist volume (Bind Mount) onto host. Taking DB backup using automation script.
     Using ECR, ECS, and EFS to facilitate video encoding processes as well as establishing communication between EC2 and ECS via EFS.
     Using Route53 for managing DNS related stuffs. Also responsible for bind SSL certificate onto front-end and back-end related stuff using NGINX reverse proxy.
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Virtual Networking

  • January 2022 - September 2022 - 9 Months
Role & Responsibility
    We have used Jenkins pipeline for creating docker images and push into private Elastic Container Registry. Also created VPC for secure virtual networking environment.
     Using AWS ECS service to create cluster, task definition, and services with serverless Fargate in VPC. In addition, CloudWatch implementation, ASG, ALB with Fargate.
     Using Route53 for managing DNS related stuff. Setting up SSL certificate onto the ALB using ACM.
     Apart from that set up Amazon Arora with PostgreSQL compatibility into the private network. 
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  • February 2021 - December 2021 - 11 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Deploy java-spring boot based micro service POS application onto AWS. In this I have Docker based deployment for app side and database MySQL and PostgreSQL we are using PAAS service. Also, I have using auto-scaling for pos vm, when load is greater than 70% then it will automatically spin up 1 vm(For this I have setup 10vm) including load balancer service. This is setup for prod environments. Also, for using lambda function to send final user’s bill.
     For Application side I have configured Jenkins as a build and deployment for automation purpose in dev and test environment.
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  • May 2020 - January 2021 - 9 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Created continuous integration (CI) pipeline in Jenkins for first build the Dockerfile, push into internal or private Docker hub registry. And then EC2 server pull that image from hub and deploy onto it.
     Using S3 bucket to store user uploaded image using best security practice and policy. User can view that image using cloud front with OAI.
     For storing user business details, we are using MySQL IAAS service.
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Industry Expertise



in Bachelors in Computer Engineering

Gujarat University
  • June 2016 - June 2019

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