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Android Developer

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About Akshay

A performance driven ambitious software developer with an extraordinary blend of and technical
knowledge. Ability to communicate and motivate team members to enhance strategic goals and
bottom-line objectives. Creative problem solving and troubleshooting skills complemented by
meticulous attention to details that will result in the success of an organization by developing new
applications or improving existing ones.

Work Experience


Android Developer

  • January 2017 - February 2023 - 6 Year
  • India



KEYINTERIO Leads For Architect & Interior Desi

  • January 2018 - April 2018 - 4 Months
Role & Responsibility
    KEYINTERIO is a place where Architects, Interior Designers and Contractors to promote and grow their
    Business by verified leads. One lead can be shared with one person only. (Download 1k+)
    Technology: Java Android frontend side and backend PHP

     Developing the frontend using Java web technologies such as Java Server Faces (JSF),
    Spring MVC. Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code that adheres to best
    practices and standards.
     Integrating the frontend with backend systems and APIs using RESTful APIs or other
    communication protocols.
     Testing the frontend using automated testing tools and frameworks such as Selenium or
    JUnit, as well as manual testing techniques. Ensuring that the frontend is robust,
    reliable, and free from bugs and issues.
     Collaborating with backend developers to ensure that the frontend integrates with the
    backend systems and APIs seamlessly. Familiarizing with the PHP backend stack and
    backend APIs to understand the data models and the requirements for the data
...see less

Let's Relate Better

  • January 2019 - August 2019 - 8 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Know yourself, know important people in your life. Excitement of sharing mind-matching results on
    social media. Easy to answer, multiple-choice type questions. 8 modules: Marriage, Partner, Friend,
    Family, Star, Leader, Indian and Favorite (Download 10k+)
    Technology: dart Flutter frontend side and backend Laravel

     Developing the frontend using Dart Flutter, a modern cross-platform mobile
    development framework. Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code that adheres
    to best practices and standards.
     Integrating the frontend with backend systems and APIs using RESTful APIs or other
    communication protocols. Collaborating with backend developers to ensure that data is
    exchanged efficiently and accurately between the frontend and backend.
     Testing the frontend using automated testing tools and frameworks such as Flutter's
    built-in testing framework or third-party libraries like Mockito. Ensuring that the
    frontend is robust, reliable, and free from bugs and issues.
     Maintaining the frontend by monitoring performance, addressing bugs and issues, and
    making continuous improvements based on user feedback and analytics. Staying up-todate with the latest frontend trends and technologies to ensure that the frontend is
    modern, efficient, and user-friendly.
     Collaborating with backend developers to ensure that the frontend integrates with the
    backend systems and APIs seamlessly. Familiarizing with the Laravel backend stack and
    backend APIs to understand the data models and the requirements for the data
...see less

PubMed HUB

  • January 2021 - January 2022 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility

    PubMed Hub app provides comprehensive data search scientific research.
    -Easy search, favoring articles and browsing history at finger tip -search with any words in the search bar
    to get the scientific articles with author names and abstract. (Download 10k+)
    Technology: dart Flutter frontend side and backend Laravel
    Duration: 1 months
     Developing the frontend using Dart, interactive UI. Writing clean, maintainable, and efficient
    code that adheres to best practices and standards.
     Integrating the frontend with backend systems and APIs using RESTful APIs or other
    communication protocols.
     Developing the Laravel backend, this includes designing and building RESTful APIs, handling user
    authentication and authorization, and implementing database models and queries.
...see less

Industry Expertise



Information Technology in B.E

Jaipur University
  • June 2014 - June 2017

Our Suggestions