
React Developer

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  • Remote

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About Pavan K

Over 4+ years of experience in the IT field, currently specializing as a React.js Developer. 
Demonstrated aptitude as a rapid learner, showcasing strong problem-solving capabilities. 
Proficient in multitasking and effectively managing concurrent projects. 
Highly collaborative team player with exceptional communication skills. 
Extensive hands-on involvement in executing projects utilizing React.js, Node.js, and MySQL technologies. 
Skillfully adept in React.js, encompassing website development and JavaScript proficiency. 
Familiarity with Atlassian tools such as Jira, Bitbucket, and GIT, enhancing project management abilities. 

Tech Stack Expertise

  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Node JS,Node JS,Express JS

    1 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    Scripting Language


    0 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise

    React JS


    1 Years
  • Tech Stack Expertise



    0 Years

Work Experience


React Developer

  • January 2019 - July 2023 - 4 Year
  • India



Health Care Industry

  • June 2020 - March 2021 - 10 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Developing user-friendly healthcare software using React JS for efficient management, including patient registration, appointments, medical records, and billing, with a focus on modular design and enhanced workflows. 
     Develop modular UI components using React's component-based architecture. 
    Implement patient registration and appointment scheduling modules. 
    Manage and display medical records and patient data securely. 
    Integrate billing and invoicing functionalities into the system. 
    Collaborate with the team to ensure smooth pharmacy management and inventory control. 
    Design and implement the doctor and staff management system. 
    Create reporting functionalities to provide insights into hospital operations. 
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Online Mobile Shop

  • May 2019 - January 2020 - 9 Months
Role & Responsibility
    The Online Mobile Shop is an eCommerce platform powered by React JS for easy online sale of mobile phones and accessories, ensuring a seamless shopping experience. 
    Develop responsive and user-friendly UI components using React and Redux Saga. 
    Integrate Rest APIs for product catalog and shopping cart functionalities. 
    Implement user authentication and secure payment processing. 
    Collaborate with the team to design and optimize the shopping experience. 
    Ensure efficient state management using Redux and React Hooks. 
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Value Growth Audit

  • October 2022 - May 2023 - 8 Months
Role & Responsibility

      The Value Growth Audit application enables super admins to manage client employee performances and generate reports. Powered by React JS, the project focuses on modular UI design and efficient KPI analysis. 
    Develop modular UI components using React and Redux Saga. 
    Implement Rest APIs for client employee performance management and KPI analysis. 
    Design an intuitive user interface for super admins to track organizational goals.
    Collaborate with the team to optimize data visualization and reporting features. 
    Ensure efficient state management using Redux and React Hooks. 

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IColude Education - School Management System

  • January 2021 - December 2021 - 12 Months
Role & Responsibility
     The School Management System facilitates various activities for admin, staff, teachers, parents, and students. Utilizing React JS, the project aims for user-friendly interfaces and efficient school activity management. 
    Develop user-friendly UI components for different user roles using React and Redux Saga. 
    Implement Rest APIs for school activities such as attendance tracking and communication. 
    Design interactive interfaces for teachers, parents, and students to perform routine tasks. 
    Collaborate with the team to optimize communication and collaboration features. 
    Ensure responsive UI updates using React Hooks and Redux. 
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Industry Expertise



Human Resources in BBA

  • June 2016 - June 2019

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