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Java Developer

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About Revathi P

Having 6.5 years of IT experience in Analysis, Design, Code Review & Integration and Development of Multi-Tier Distributed applications using Java and Technologies.
Excellent conceptual base in Object-Oriented Design and Implementation Methodologies.
Experience in designing the User Interface Screens using JSP, HTML, jQuery, and Java Script.
Experience on Angular JS, Bootstrap.
Extensive experience in IDE’s: Net Be.5ns, Eclipse.
Experience in web applications design using spring, spring boot, struts Frameworks.
Experience in test cases for web applications.
Having Experience in writing queries in My SQL, GraphQL, DB2, Oracle, Mongo DB, Couch DB as well.
Experience on Jenkins, Bit bucket, docker, Kuberantes.
Experience on android studio, App development.
Experience on Java 8.
Experience on Web-Services (SOAP, REST, MQ) and Micro Services.
Experience on Android and Website Development.
Experience on AWS Dynamo DB.
Experience on J Boss, WebLogic, WebSphere.
Having Knowledge on AWS.
Experience on Jasper, Elixir Report.
Working Experience in Agile and water fall methodologies.
Possess excellent planning, designing and implementation skills
Skilled in handing multiple tasks and working independently
Good interpersonal and communication skills, commitment, result-oriented, zeal to learn new technologies and undertake challenging tasks.
Able to learn/adapt emerging technologies in work area.
Involved in Unit Testing.


Work Experience


Java Developer

  • January 2016 - April 2023 - 7 Year
  • India




  • January 2021 - September 2022 - 21 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Open Banking for AU and BR:
    Open Bank Project (OBP) is an open-source RESTful API platform for banks that supports Open Banking, XS2A and PSD2
    through access to accounts, transactions, counterparties, payments, entitlements and metadata - plus a host of internal banking and management APIs. An Open Bank Project instance can contain simulated customer related data. With real bank integrations, this can be real account data.
    Account information, balance and transaction history of multiple bank accounts
    Initiate payments
    Onboard Customers (KYC etc.)
    Enrich bank transactions with metadata (tags, comments, urls and geolocation) for example to link a receipt or video to a transaction
    Create/Access different views on accounts. Each view grants a subset of the data to a restricted group of users. For example, a customer could offer special views on his account to his accountants, auditors or regulators. A charity might open their accounts to the public

    1.Involved in development of API for AU AND BR countries as per the standard. 2.Involved in the meeting with client on requirement sharing.
    3.Involved in performance testing scripts implementation for the developer 
    4. Performed Junit testing and Functional Testing, besides documented.
    5.Prepared the Technical and Functional Documents.
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  • March 2020 - March 2021 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Digital Core is Business application, it is the main system of the e-banking. The Authorization server resides in both the white network and green network. Client applications will connect directly with the Authentication server. This Application will accept the complete Simplii credit card applications from e-banking, process it and provides back to e-banking. Broker API which acts as intermediate between e-banking and Digital core System.

    1.Involved in development of Broker API phase 1, e-banking simplii module. 2.Involved in the development for the android changes for simplii UI
    3. Involved in meetings with the clients on the Requirement discussions 
    4. Performed Junit testing and Performance Test.
    5.Prepared the Technical and Functional Documents.
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  • August 2018 - November 2019 - 16 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Description of RCS (Regional Claim System – Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad):
    The Project is about the Regional Claim Systems for Prudential BSN. From Registration process to Approval Process of Claims can be done using our product. The Different Stages of claims are Registration, Confirmation, Evaluation, Calculation, Allocation and Approval.
    The main functionality of RCS System is Workflow Management, User Authority Management, Rules Engine, Common Function, Product Management and Co-ordination for Reimbursement & Accumulator.
    As part of Claim System, Hospital Portal System also integrated into existing system. This Portal consists of Hospital & Doctor List Maintenance.
    Project B: Description of SQS (Sales Quotation System - Prudential Assurance):

    Prudential Assurance (PA) is insurance group of company. It provides personal and corporate insurance services to the customers. It consists various modules like SQS, SQS RT, SIRegen, SIRegen RT. To create quotation as per participant details, payment information and sum covered, expiry age and payment term. Premium, Tabarru Calculation, and Agent Commissions. Agent creates the quotation as per customer details to sell the products.
    SQS (Sales Quotation System) is a software issued by Prudential Team. Prudential Life Assurance Indonesia to assist its agents in making illustrations of insurance for prospective customers, this software can be installed on the Windows

    1. Involved in development of new Requirements.
    2. Involved in development of screens using Angular, Bootstrap, CSS.
    3. Analysis of functional and technical documents.
    4. Development of reports for SQS using Elixir Report tool.
    5. Involved in meeting call with clients for technical requirement.
    6. Deploy the source code and trigger the build using Bit Bucket and Jenkins.

    7. Involved in Production, UAT, SIT Support.
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  • April 2017 - June 2018 - 15 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Currently Trade Pricing approval and maintenance activity is a manual process within the Insurance globally. The approval process is not standardized and is country specific. Manual process results in increased errors, delays while processing the transaction and retrieval of historical data on client pricing a difficult task.
    The proposed workflow aims to create better Control, transparency and streamlining of the Standard and Client pricing for Trade Finance Products.
    Objectives Include:
    1. Automation of the Trade Pricing (Standard and Client Preferential) approval process in workbench.
    2. Auto update pricing in Trade Port.
    3. Trade Port enhancement for additional attributes required to maintain pricing.

    1. Involved in development of new modules.
    2. Involved in end-to-end development of modules using front end and back-end technologies. 3.Involved into converting the existing Ant project to Maven project
    4. Involved in OTP To Workbench request flow interface development (Rest).
    5.Involved in meeting call with client for new development.
    6.Involved in preparation of technical documents preparations, Code trackers, UT Test Cases. 7.Analysis of different Functional documents, technical specifications.
    8. Involved in Production, Pre- Production, UAT, SIT Support. 
    9.Involved in code Deployment.
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RHB Bank-CIMB Bank

  • March 2016 - March 2017 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility

    CREST (Credit System) is a customer centric and automated loan origination system designed for Corporate, Commercial, Small and Medium size Enterprise and Program Lending business units.
    This system offers below features:
    Business Support
    Effective capturing of credit application
    Automated credit checks with integration to credit reporting agencies such as:
    Credit Bureau Malaysia (CBM)
    Credit Tip Off Service (CTOS)
    Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS)
    Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM)
    Automated internal screening checks against various sources
    Grey lists
    AML/ KYC
    Connected Party
    PEP (Politically Exposed Person)
    Workflow and application tracking processes
    Improve time-to-customer and provides upfront rating and scoring capability
    Greater flexibility in offering Conventional and Islamic products with wide-ranging features
    Advanced Technical Design
    Web-based User Interface
    Interface with Rating engine and Scoring engine
    Interface with LOADS
    Scalable n-tier architecture

    Involved in CRS implementing and debug fixing
    Customer details creation.
    Interface development.
    Provide internal credit checking and credit scoring of the customer / borrower.
    Generate loan approval documents and letter.
    Involved in Production, Pre-Production, UAT, SIT Support
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Industry Expertise



in Bachelors in Electronics and Communication Enginee

Andhra University
  • June 2011 - June 2014

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