
DevOps Developer

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An extremely dedicated individual with 8+ years DevOps Engineer in automation build and deployments, managing software releases and environments.

Work Experience


Devops Engineer

  • January 2015 - March 2023 - 8 Year



Conversational AI Platform

  • April 2022 - April 2023 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Main aim of this project was to keep track of all the activities of Conversational AI Platform Infra structure throw TF and Deployment activities by HELM

     Main aim of this project was to keep track of all the activities of Conversational AI Platform Infra structure throw TF and Deployment activities by HELM 
     Worked on SSL certificate (AWS Certificate Manager), Route53 record, S3 Bucket 
     Worked on Docker Image Transfer Activities and ALB DNS 
     Worked on Micro servicies deployment activies 
     Administration Experience in GIT 
     Worked on devops activities to automate process and CI/CD for delivering our builds quickly to prod environment 
     Working with Jenkins CI/CD pipeline, Container orchestration platforms - Kubernetes and Docker Swarm 
     Infra Automation using Terraform and deployment with Helm for Prod,QA,Dev Environment.
    The Branching Strategy for the parallel development in Gitlab. 
     Build and deploy according to Sprint team standards and processes to Dev, QA and Production Environments. 
     Perform smoke/sanity tests for the applications deployed and also troubleshoot the application for the issues that arise as part of the smoke test process. 
     Azure applications using Virtual Machines, Azure Functions, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure RBAC, Arm Templates 
     Big Data on Azure – HDInsight, Azure Databricks, Azure Data Factory, Azure Stream Analytics, Event Hub, Event Grid 
     Working on Azure DevOps Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Command-line interfaces (CLI) 
     Knowlege on Azure REST API 
     Automation by using python scripting's for the ELK Stack 
     Automation the deployment acitvies by using Python scripts 
     Kubernetes Orchestration Management and Docker for the ELK stack and Grafana 
     GCP Services and CICD Implementation. 
     Bigdata Service’s implementation with the GCP
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Mobile Application

  • April 2021 - April 2022 - 13 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Main aim of this project was to keep track of all the activities of Renalut Mobile App for Android.
     The Branching Strategy for the parallel development in Gitlab. 
     Build and deployment according to Sprint team standards and processes to Dev, QA and Production Environments. 
     Perform smoke/sanity tests for the applications deployed and also troubleshoot the application for the issues that arise as part of the smoke test process. 
     Azure applications using Virtual Machines, Azure Functions, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure RBAC, Arm Templates 
     Big Data on Azure – HDInsight, Azure Databricks, Azure Data Factory, Azure Stream Analytics, Event Hub, Event Grid 
    Working on Azure DevOps Azure Resource Manager (ARM),
    Knowlege on Azure REST API 
     Automation by using python scripting's for the ELK Stack 
     Automation the deployment acitvies by using Python scripts 
     Kubernetes Orchestration Management and Docker for the ELK stack and Grafana 
     GCP Services and CICD Implementation. 
     BigData Service’s implementation with the GCP 
     Automation using Terraform
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European Commissioners

  • February 2017 - January 2021 - 48 Months
Role & Responsibility

    Main aim of this project was to keep track of all the activities of an employee in an organization.
    Building the source code using Subversion and Jenkins. 
     Build and deployment scripts according to SCM team standards and processes to QA, Performance and Production Environments. 
     Responsible for Administration of Subversion's. 
     Created the Branching Strategy for the parallel development. 
     Solving end user Problems. 
     Perform smoke/sanity tests for the applications deployed and also troubleshoot the application for the issues that arise as part of the smoke test process. 
     Develop and enhance current tool to suite ongoing need to support the build and configuration of releases of all product team.
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E-Underwriting System

  • June 2013 - February 2017 - 45 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Risk sharing company) is an insurance company which sells insurance to their clients where they can insure their properties like buildings and any items for Natural perils like (Earthquake, Tsunami, Fire Accidents) etc
     And Manual perils like (Terrorism, Theft) etc. 
     Installing and configuring SUBVERSION, Jenkins, and Deployment automation. 
     Maintaining the source code in SVN. 
     Created the Branching Strategy for the parallel development. 
     Automating the Build and deployment process by writing different scripts. 
     To configure and maintain codebase to support the build and deployment of code on servers. 
     Administered merge, build and deployment of the codes to all environments. 
     Developing utility scripts to effectively reduce the time and manual effort. 
     Provide pre commit and post commit hooks for Subversion. 
     Responsible for setting up the environment for new developers on their machines.
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Industry Expertise




Karnataka University
  • June 2009 - June 2012

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