
React JS Developer

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About Prachi

A performance driven ambitious software developer with an extraordinary blend of and technical knowledge. Ability to communicate and motivate team members to enhance strategic goals and bottom line objectives. Creative problem solving and troubleshooting skills complemented by meticulous attention to details that will result in the success of an organization by developing new applications or improving existing ones.

Tech Stack Expertise

  • Tech Stack Expertise

    React JS


    0 Years

Work Experience


React Js Developer

  • January 2015 - February 2023 - 8 Year
  • India



Portal For Admin – HR Activities

  • March 2017 - June 2017 - 4 Months
Role & Responsibility
     This platform is providing a great ease for the HR professionals and is a one stop solution for
     all the admin & HR related activities. It has got features like employee records, Contractual pay,
     country wise employment record and so on. This portal provides an option to recruiters to hire the talented people across the globe.
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Learning Platform For Kids

  • April 2017 - November 2017 - 8 Months
Role & Responsibility
    This is a Korean learning portal for the kids aged below 10 years. 
    One can log in this service and can learn the pronunciation of the particular words/ letters
     through audio assistance feature implemented in it. 
    This learning portal will provide an easy access for kids to learn new things.
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Dental Appointment System

  • January 2018 - June 2018 - 6 Months
Role & Responsibility
    This is made basically for the dentists practicing in USA. The patient can easily connect with 
    the doctors for their dental issues. If the patient is not able to visit dentist on time, 
    then they can connect virtually and scanning of their affected teeth area can be scanned
     and the problems can be rectified through that as well.
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Platform Regarding Health Insurance

  • October 2018 - February 2019 - 5 Months
Role & Responsibility
    This project is basically made to check on certain data of the health insurances from various
     providers and providing rewards on those bases. In this one organization can make/ add/ manage
     another organization and to manage the rewards for the insurances likewise.
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Learning Portal

  • March 2019 - October 2019 - 8 Months
Role & Responsibility

    This website is for entrepreneurs who wish to start a business. It teaches the target community the necessary knowledge and skills. Programs, media, news and events, support, and so forth are all available through the portal. The user can register as a trainee or a trainer, and depending on which option they choose, they will have access to different modules when they log in
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Books Online

  • April 2020 - November 2020 - 8 Months
Role & Responsibility

     That's an online bookstore headquartered in the United States that sells a 
    wide variety of books by well-known writers. Users can trade books, buy books, and sell their old ones.
     Users can also take use of a subscription service.
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Homework Help And Books Suggestions

  • February 2021 - December 2021 - 11 Months
Role & Responsibility
    It’s a website which provides easiest ways to find the student’s homework complex questions.
     The website also suggests the books based on the complexity of their problems there is a provision of live chat, too.
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Social Media Platform

  • May 2022 - January 2023 - 9 Months
Role & Responsibility

    It is a portal where users can create login accounts and create posts in the form of images, videos, or articles. Other users can view the post without logging in. There is widget functionality available where users can publish a URL and have their audience redirected to their site. Users can also post by category, such as sports, beauty, and so on, which is beneficial for filtering.
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Industry Expertise



in MCA

Gujarat University
  • June 2014 - June 2017

Our Suggestions