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Devops Engineer

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About Seshi

Seeking challenging career opportunity as a DevOps Engineer where my knowledge and experience can be shared and enriched. 


Work Experience


Devops Engineer

  • January 2018 - January 2023 - 5 Year
  • India




  • October 2021 - January 2023 - 16 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Worked on Gitlab pipelines to deploy the services in Cloudrun.
    Performed the migration of  Github repo’s into Gitlab.
    Worked on storing the logs in datastore using cloud function.
    Worked on storing the logs & media files in cloud storage bucket using jenkins. 
    Worked on provisioning compute engine, cloud storage,cloud function,secret manager using terraform in gcp.
    Checking the vulnerabilities of containers using trivy scanner.
    Created dashboards in Grafana to visualize the metrics collected by Prometheus.
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Japan Airlines

  • January 2021 - June 2021 - 6 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Analyzing and resolving conflicts related to merging of source code for Git.
    Pushing the Docker images into Elastic Container Registry(ECR.)
    Performing the deployments in Dev, UAT, Staging using ECS.
    Performing the builds Using Maven.
    Worked on creating s3 buckets and generating the policies.
    Coordinating the Build errors and issues with the development team.

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  • July 2019 - December 2020 - 18 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Worked on creating the servers in aws and installing the required softwares.
    Worked on creating s3 buckets and generating the policies.
    Worked on Kubernetes to create pods, replication controllers.
    Worked on Ansible to install grafana agent in the servers.
    Analyzing the Jenkins build logs with ELK.
    Both Manual & Automation builds  Using Maven and Jenkins.
    Involving in Deployment of the application using Tomcat.
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  • March 2017 - June 2019 - 28 Months
Role & Responsibility
    Integrated Git, Jenkins, Maven in accomplishing continuous integration with poll SCM, build trigger.
    Responsible for creating new jobs, managing required plugins, configuring the jobs, selecting required source code management tool.
    Analyzing code quality with SonarQube and integration with Jenkins.
    Debugging Build & Release related issues.
    Scheduling the builds and notifying the build reports etc.
    Pushing the docker images to Artifactory.
    Verify Deployments logs to check for successful deployments.
    Managing EC2, S3, Auto-Scaling and user access level through IAM.
    Automate the build process using continuous integration tools JENKINS.
    Used JIRA as ticketing tool.
    Creating new containers and starting the services.
    Working with EC2 Instances, Attaching Volumes, Mount Volumes, Creating Security Groups, Auto- Scaling and ELB.
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Industry Expertise



in Bachelor of Technology

Andhra University
  • June 2013 - June 2015

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