Talent's Information
Rajkot, India
$13.0 per Hour
5.5 Year
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About Drashti J
Technology Analyst with a well-rounded background in implementing new technological solutions and improvements. Dedicated to achieving ideal results by identifying project goals, troubleshooting problems, and recommending software solutions. Proficient in cutting-edge technologies with a passion for continuous learning.
Tech Stack Expertise
2 Years -
2 Years -
2 Years -
Firebase (RTDB),Firebase Performance Analytics,Firebase(RTDB)
6 Years
Work Experience

Ios Developer
- January 2018 - December 2022 - 5 Year
- India

Airline App For Flight Attendant
- May 2022 - December 2022 - 8 Months
- The app has been useful for flight attendants.
- Flight attendants can view the information about the flights, crew member details and all passenger information.
- They can use the app while they are flying.

- October 2020 - February 2022 - 17 Months
- FitQuid is a health and wellness app that aims to motivate the community to live a healthy lifestyle.
- You earn digital coins by simply staying active and completing personal/ public challenges individually or in groups.
- In short, you burn calories to make money!
- Webservices Functionalities: Django Framework, Restful framework, AWS, Fire admin, Google Auth
- Used GIT and JENKINS for continuous integration and deployment.
- Role: Lead project and look at the entire Development of iOS application and developed web services for
- Mobile application and CMS, QA, and Execution with the support of other functional team members.

- April 2020 - October 2021 - 19 Months
- WeVieu is a platform that combines live streaming services and the marketplace.
- We want to change the online shopping experience. Mimic the physical store shopping experience to online service.
- Shop for Authentic Streetwear and Vintage Collection with trusted buyers.
- iOS App Functionality Used: Social Media Sign-in, Web service, Crash Analytics, In-App purchase,
- AgoraKit, Notification Webservices Functionalities: Django Framework, Restful framework, AWS, Fire admin, Google Auth Used GIT and JENKINS for continuous integration and deployment.
- Role: Lead project and look at the entire Development of iOS application and developed web services for
- Mobile application and CMS, QA, and Execution with the support of other functional team members.

- February 2020 - October 2021 - 21 Months
Treequester is a carbon emission saving application. There is a growing number of people
(especially young people) who are concerned about the environment and climate change and would like
to do something about their own carbon footprint. This app will provide an easy subscription model for
them to buy "carbon offsets''.
iOS App Functionality Used : Social Media Sign-in, Web service, Firebase (RTDB), Crash Analytics, In-App
purchase with free trail and promo code functionalities, Firebase Performance Analytics, Notification
Webservices Functionalities: Django Framework, Restful framework, AWS, Fire admin, Google Auth
Used GIT and JENKINS for continuous integration and deployment.
Role: Single handedly managed the entire Development of iOS application and developed webservices
for Mobile application and CMS, QA and Execution with the support of other functional team members.
Appstore Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/treequester/id1502701153

- December 2018 - February 2022 - 39 Months
- Localization
- charts
- RichEditorView
- Multi threading and Queue
- Google place
- Firebase (RTDB)
- Material component
- Intercom
- Hyper pay Payment Gateway
- Firebase Performance Analytics
- Chat
eProcure Platform is a SaaS enabled marketplace that offers an array of solutions, to help
procurement organisations get the most out of their sourcing and supplier engagement activities.
Functionality Used : Web services, Night Mode, Localization, charts, RichEditorView, GCD, Multi
threading and Queue, Google place, and Map API, Clustering, Firebase (RTDB), Crash Analytics, Material
component, Intercom,Hyper pay Payment Gateway, Firebase Performance Analytics, Notification, Chat
Role: Single-handedly managed the entire Development, QA, and Execution with the support of other
functional team members.
AppStore Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/e-procure/id1465201539?ls=1

- April 2017 - January 2022 - 58 Months
TracPracTM (“Track Practice”) is a mobile healthcare clinical evaluation management
solution. This digital solution is an education-centered app that automates the traditional paper methods
of collecting clinical performance
and evaluation records of practical experience in the lab, simulation centers, and hospitals/patient care
Role: Lead project and looking the entire Development of iOS application and developed web services
for Mobile application and CMS, QA, and Execution with the support of other functional team members.
Appstore Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tracprac/id1247756942

- August 2018 - December 2018 - 5 Months
HOODUBER is a peer-to-peer social networking software that allows users to build a
network amongst friends, family, or peers looking to Travel or freely network within the app amongst
peers to find a ride or way around town.
Functionality Used: Web servi
Role: Understanding Requirement, design, coding, debugging and upload application on AppStore
AppStore Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hooduber/id1418546886?mt=8

Eduace- Trainer
- January 2018 - October 2018 - 10 Months
Eduace is a beautiful and simple app for a trainer to manage his daily lecture, circulars,
notes, and results in routines.
Understanding requirement, design, coding, debugging, single point of contact with the client for
development progress and upload application on AppStore
AppStore Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/eduace-trainer/id1372446106?mt=8

: Eduace (Student & Parent)
- January 2018 - October 2018 - 10 Months
Eduace is a beautiful and simple app for students and parents to get real-time updates from
the coaching classes associated with our platform.
Role: Understanding requirement, design, coding, debugging, single point of contact with the client for
development progress and upload application on AppStore
AppStore Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/eduace/id1372446114?mt=8

: Goodbuys App
- June 2017 - December 2017 - 7 Months
In a groundbreaking hybrid of app-based e-commerce and crowd funding, goodbuys
associates a cause to every purchase.
Role: Understanding requirement, design, coding and debugging and upload application on AppStore
AppStore Link: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/goodbuys/id1262709937

Stop Silence
- April 2017 - June 2017 - 3 Months
Stop Silence is a free HELPLINE for young people.This listening helpline by chat in Morocco
is reserved for young people under the age of 21.
Individually developed the application from scratch and upload the application on AppStore
AppStore Link : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/stop-silence/id1369619364?l=fr&ls=1

DriversClub App
- February 2017 - July 2017 - 6 Months
Drivers Club lets you enjoy driving and the world of cars like never before. Browse nearby
car meets and join car clubs that share your favourite vehicles. Create a network of friends that all share
the same passion for cars as you do and get to finally know where that next car meet is at the tip of your
Role: Understanding requirements, design, coding and debugging and bug fixing.
AppStore Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/drivers-club/id1
Soft Skills
Industry Expertise

in Diploma of Engineering: Computer Engineering
Gujarat Technological University- June 2011 - June 2014